Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD sponsors seminar on environment conservation

The seminar’s audience, composed of PCAARRD and DOST scholars and government employees near and around Los Baños, participate in the open forum.The Philippine Council for Agriculture. Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), in coordination with the Department of Science and  Technology–Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DOST-JSPS), recently sponsored a seminar on environment conservation and awareness.

About 60 DOST scholars, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) students, researchers, and government employees in Los Baños attended the seminar.

The seminar aimed to update the research and development (R&D) community with research findings on environmental issues and generate options for research collaboration in the future.

In her speech, DOST Assistant Secretary for Technology Transfer Ma. Lourdes Orijola emphasized the vital role of R&D in environmental conservation and in accessing knowledge.

She likewise encouraged the participants to collaborate with the government in coming up with new researches on environmental protection.

Three scientists were invited to present their studies on climate change, carbon cycle, and land use.Engr. Orijola thanks the speakers and the participants for the successful conduct of the activity.

Dr. Chelo Pascua of the Mariano Marcos State University discussed carbon dioxide sequestration potential in the Philippine geological setting.

Dr. Artemio Martin of the Isabela State University talked on land use for biofuel feedstocks.

Capping the lectures was Dr. Felino Lansigan of UPLB.  He highlighted the impacts of climate change on hydrologic extreme events in the Philippines.