Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD top exec addresses the 12th Global Technology and Information Search Seminar

Although technologies and innovations have long promised advancement and development in the AANR sector, technology transfer and adoption continue to be a challenge. This was the challenge that was addressed in a message by Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, Acting Executive Director of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) during the 12th Global Technology and Information Search Seminar. 

Dr. Ebora said that to address this challenge, PCAARRD transfers or disseminates technologies and innovations the simplest way with the farthest reach as much as possible. “Our banner programs, translated into what we call the Industry Strategic Science and Technology Programs or ISPs, aim to bring these technologies closer to the communities,” Dr. Ebora said.

Dr. Ebora’s message officially opened the 12th GTIS Seminar on December 11, 2017 at the DOST-PCAARRD Innovation and Technology Center (DPITC), Los Baños, Laguna.

The seminar, which is conducted annually, serves as a venue for Filipino experts/researchers from the Council and the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Network (NAARRDN) to share innovations that they have learned and observed during their visits to PCAARRD’s partner institutions abroad or from international workshops/seminars/fora they have attended.

Fifty-six participants composed of members of the Los Baños Science Community (LBSC), local government units (LGUs) in Laguna, private sectors, and other stakeholders attended the seminar.