Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD top exec marks first official engagement outside the country

Marking his first official engagement outside the country, Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, PCAARRD Acting Executive Director, spoke at the gathering of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – European Union (EU) Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Days 2015, held on March 17 to 19 in Paris, France.

Presenting during the scientific forum held on March 19 at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Ebora spoke on the topic Policy Insights on the ASEAN Food Sector.

The topic provided a review on the various challenges facing the ASEAN food sector and focused on food security as one of its pressing challenges. Primarily, the topic intends to draw some policy insights that may guide future policy initiatives of ASEAN member countries.

In addition to a backgrounder on food security and regional cooperation in ASEAN and a country case review on the challenges and issues in the Philippine food sector, Ebora also highlighted PCAARRD’s vital role in addressing these concerns through its Industry Strategic Science and Technology Program (ISP).

Ebora emphasized the vital role of science and technology (S&T) in addressing the challenges faced by the ASEAN food sector. He also espoused that cooperation to address food security should not be limited with efforts by the Asean Economic Community (AEC), rather it should be strengthened and moved beyond the AEC borders.

Rice is the primary commodity of concern in the ASEAN region, thus, regional cooperation on food security is confined mostly on this commodity.

The AEC addresses food security through regional cooperation initiatives such as the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR), ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS), and ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security (SPA-FS).  Other initiatives included in the AEC Blueprint are also instrumental in forging collaboration and partnership within the AEC to address food security.

The panel discussions and question and answer (Q&A) sessions valued the importance of cooperation and related activities such as capacity building, collaborative researches (both basic and applied research), policy research, technology transfer and information sharing, policy training for government staff, and training of scientists on policy research.

The series of deliberations also highlighted the importance of government’s support to stimulate innovations.

As an offshoot initiative, Dr. Tim N. Zwaagstra of the University of Groningen-The Netherlands, expressed his interest to explore the partnership potentials between the Council and the University of Groningen through capacity development activities. The University’s key strategy, the Plants Aquaculture Development Indonesia (PADI), is currently being explored as one possible avenue.

STI Days 2015 provided a great opportunity for information sharing and discussions in strengthening R&D activities for innovations and solutions to challenges such as the effects of climate change, food safety and food security and sustainability. The event was initiated by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme funded SEA-EU-NET II project.

PCAARRD participated in the policy consultation survey/interview conducted by SEA-EU-NET on September 30, 2014 for a better appreciation of the policy making priorities and needs of the region, as identified by experts in each thematic field (health, food, and water) of the initiative.

This year’s STI Days focused on presenting ASEAN research excellence to European stakeholders as well as raising awareness for current developments in S&T in the most dynamic region worldwide.

The STI Days is an ideal occasion for networking and exchange of ideas in thematic areas like Health, Environment, Water, Food Security and Safety or Innovation. The STI days are generally visited by policy makers, company representatives, researchers, and research administrators from the ASEAN and EU.

The STI Days collaboration is expected to further boost PCAARRD’s international linkages towards addressing its commitment under DOST’s Outcome One: to provide science-based know-how and tools that will enable the agricultural sector to raise productivity to world-class standards.

DOST’s avowal of public service will once more take center stage as it celebrates this year’s National Science and Technology Week on July 24-28 at SMX Mall of Asia, Pasay City with Philippines: A Science Nation Innovating for Global Competitiveness as its theme.