Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD turns over FITS and MS to DA-ATI

PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon (fifth from right) hands over TGP Program documents to Dr. Asterio P. Saliot, Director of DA-ATI.  With them are ATI’s Regional Training Center directors, PCAARRDs’ consortium directors, and MS.The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) has formally turned over the Techno Gabay Program’s (TGP) Farmers Information and Technology Service (FITS) and Magsasaka-Siyentista (MS) components to the Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) in a ceremony held recently at the Asian Institute of Management Conference Center in Makati City.

TGP is an agricultural extension modality, which facilitates the access of farmers/entrepreneurs to an array of science and technology (S&T) options to improve their agricultural practices and increase their farm productivity.


Aside from the FITS and the MS, it has two other interrelated modalities, namely: Information, Education and Communication (IEC); and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) strategies. These strategies will be retained by PCAARRD.

The institutionalization of TGP dates back to 2006 when PCAARRD provided funds for the establishment of the National Information Technology Services (NITS) Center at the ATI National Office. Then on May 14, 2009, Executive Order (EO) 801 was signed, signalling the transfer of the TGP components to the DA-ATI.


(Above) Dr. Saliot and Dr. Faylon (Below) delivering their messages during the turnover.EO 801, otherwise known as “Encouraging local government units (LGUs) to adopt the Techno Gabay in their agricultural extension programs and the concerned government agencies to provide the required assistance for the purpose”, prescribes the implementation of TGP in the LGUs in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Commission on Higher Education, and DA.


PCAARRD led the preparation and finalization of the EO’s Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).


The IRR provides the structure for the appropriate institutional arrangements, roles of concerned agencies, and the agencies’ adoption mechanisms.

According to ATI Director Asterio P. Saliot, the turn over marked a new beginning for ATI which is now at the helm of coordinating and overseeing the implementation of TGP.


He also said that it would be a challenge for them to surpass what PCAARRD has done. And even if it would not be easy, he assured that they would adopt and mainstream the implementation of the FITS centers and the MS in their programs and services.

Dr. Saliot also recognized the MS Association as the umbrella organization of the rural-based organizations because he believed in the capacities of the MS in sharing their experiences and serving as farmer leaders, advocates, and champions for agriculture and fisheries in their respective areas.

Likewise, he commended the strong support and commitment of DILG to TGP specifically in assuring the sustainability of the FITS centers in the LGUs.

PCAARRD’s Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon expressed his appreciation to ATI for adopting the TGP. He also recognized the efforts of the consortium and the state universities and colleges for their active participation in the implementation of TGP.  Likewise, he expressed his high hopes that this new engagement with ATI would be continuous and progressive.

ATI Regional Training Center directors and extension coordinators, PCAARRD’s consortium directors, and also graced the event.