Philippine Standard Time

PCARRD, PAEDA, UPLB team up for impact assessment training

To enhance the skills and competence of researchers from the National Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Network, PCARRD, Philippine Agricultural Economics and Development Association, Inc. (PAEDA), and the University of the Philippines Los Baños’ College of Economics and Management (UPLB-CEM) sponsored a training workshop on impact assessment of R&D projects in the AFNR sectors.

The activity was conducted on October 11─15 at the CEM Multipurpose Room in College, Laguna.
The training aimed to equip the participants with methodological tools in assessing the impacts of programs and projects supported by the Council.

Twenty researchers involved in AFNR socioeconomics R&D from state universities and colleges, and the Council’s regional R&D consortia participated in the training.

Welcoming the participants was UPLB-CEM Dean Flordeliza A. Lantican.

Delivering the inspirational message was PCARRD Deputy Executive Director for R&D Dr. Danilo C. Cardenas who challenged the participants to work closely with the Council in assessing the contribution of the R&D investments to national development.

“The Council as a funding agency seeks pertinent information on the economic and social values of the researchers it supports and coordinates,” Cardenas said.

Dr. Jose V. Camacho, PAEDA prexy, on the other hand, facilitated the introductory session.

Experts from UPLB facilitated the training and they were: Dr. Tirso B. Paris, Jr. (Towards establishing a common understanding of impact assessment), Dr. Marilyn M. Elauria (Framework for impact assessment: The ACIAR Guidelines/ Mapping Input Benefits), Prof. Nora DM. Carambas (Adoption studies in impact assessment), Dr. Merlyn M. Paunlagui (Environmental, social, and gender dimensions in impact assessment), Ms. Elvira E. Dumayas (Benefit--cost approach to impact assessment I), Prof. Normito R. Zapata, Jr. (Benefit-cost approach to impact assessment II), Dr. Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza (AFNR biotechnology R&D in the Philippines), and Dr. Nimfa D. Montes (Data gathering/research proposal preparation).