Philippine Standard Time

PCARRD prospects new partnership with France

Two thousand eight signals a renewal of partnerships as just two weeks into the New Year, Dr. Jean-Guy Bertault and Ines Loge visited PCARRD. 

img6a_021408.gifTwo thousand eight signals a renewal of partnerships as just two weeks into the New Year, Dr. Jean-Guy Bertault and Ines Loge visited PCARRD.

The former is the resident regional director for Insular Southeast Asia of the Centre for International Agricultural Research and Development (CIRAD), while the latter is the scientific attache’ to the Philippines of the French Embassy.

Welcoming Bertault and Loge were PCARRD Deputy Executive Director for Research and Development (R&D) Danilo C. Cardenas, some members of the PCARRD Directorate, and senior staff members. In their January meeting, Cardenas presented the government’s priorities, as reflected in the PCARRD Science & Technology Agenda 2006-2012.


Bertault, on the other hand, presented the CIRAD’s six axes to science.  These include agricultural practices, bio-energy, food security and safety, animal diseases, policy, and integration.

Rounding up the meeting, Cardenas expressed PCARRD’s interest to renew its collaboration with the French Government, specifically to revitalize its partnership with CIRAD, as both the Council and CIRAD have the same priority concerns.