Philippine Standard Time

PCARRD touches base with social science researchers

Senior social researchers of the Bicol University (BU) were gathered last December 6-9, 2007 for a briefing on the PCARRD priority research and development (R&D) agenda and researchable areas in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources (AFNR). PCARRD Socio-economics Research Division (SERD) Director Albert P. Aquino did the briefing. Dr. Fay Patria Lauraya, BU president and chair of the Bicol Consortium for Agricultural Resources Research Consortium (BCARRD), and a social scientist herself, also attended.

Senior social researchers of the Bicol University (BU) were gathered last December 6-9, 2007 for a briefing on the PCARRD priority research and development (R&D) agenda and researchable areas in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources (AFNR). PCARRD Socio-economics Research Division (SERD) Director Albert P. Aquino did the briefing. Dr. Fay Patria Lauraya, BU president and chair of the Bicol Consortium for Agricultural Resources Research Consortium (BCARRD), and a social scientist herself, also attended.

During the past two years, BU has been involved in the implementation of the national program on performance evaluation and impact assessment of PCARRD’s Techno Gabay Program. Recognizing BU’s commitment to contribute to the enhancement of AFNR R&D through socioeconomics/evaluation research, PCARRD has also tapped the university’s experts in the implementation of the project on supply chain improvement for the abaca industry in Bicol.  BU Research Director. Arnulfo Mascariñas leads the project.

In a related development, Aquino flew to Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) and Siliman University (SU) to conduct a similar meeting. NORSU and SU presidents, Henry Sojor and Ben Malayang, respectively, attended the meeting with Dr. Peter Dayot, NORSU vice president for research and extension and Central Visayas Consortium for Integrated Regional Research and Development (CV-CIRRD) director acting as the facilitator.

PCARRD’s collaboration with the researchers of CV-CIRRD’s member agencies has gained momentum with the involvement of the University of San Carlos, Cebu State College of Science and Technology, and NORSU in the implementation of the supply chain improvement for abaca in the Central Visayas.