Philippine Standard Time

R&D initiatives shine during ILAARRDEC’s 29th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights

Research and development initiatives were recognized during the Ilocos Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (ILAARRDEC) 29th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights (RSRDH).   

Held at the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) Teatro Ilocandia, Batac City in cooperation with the host agency, MMSU, the event had the theme, “Enhancing Research Culture to ACHIEVE AmBisyon Natin 2040.”

The symposium highlighted the presentation and selection of best scientific papers and posters under research and development categories. 

Of the 45 technical papers that were presented, 33 were under the oral research category, while 12 were under the oral development category. 

Fifty-four posters were also presented, 39 of which were on research, 11 on development category, while 4 others were classified as non-competing posters.

The research titled, “Identification and Characterization of Stress Tolerant Yeasts and Microbial Community Profiling of Nipa Sap Fermentation from Pamplona, Cagayan,” of MMSU garnered the 1st place in the Oral- Research Category. 

Meanwhile, the research titled, “Enhancing Goat Performance through Innovative Management Interventions and Farm Records,” of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) garnered the 1st place in Oral- Development Category. 

The DOST-PCAARRD funded project titled, “Development of Chevon Products from Slaughter by-products” of DMMMSU landed 3rd place under Oral- Research Category.

In the poster presentations, the researches titled, “Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment of Ilocos Sur” and “Tulbek ti Mataginayon ken Naprogreso a Panagtalon,” of MMSU garnered both the 1st place in the Research and Development Categories, respectively.

First prize winners in the Oral presentation under Research and Development categories are qualified to compete for the Best R&D Paper Awards in the National Symposium on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development (NSAARRD).

Dr. Shirley C. Agrupis, Chair of the Regional Research and Development Coordinating Council (RRDCC) and President of MMSU, welcomed the participants to the event. On the other hand, Dr. Fiorello B. Abenes, Manager of the Faculty and Institutional Development of the United States Agency for International Development-Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (USAID-STRIDE) served as the keynote speaker of the said event.

Dr. Mari-Ann M. Acedera, Director of MRRD of the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), served as a plenary speaker with the presentation, “PCAARRD Industry Strategic S&T Programs (ISP).” She also served as one of the evaluators during the symposium. 

Researchers, extensionists, faculty, and staff from different consortium-member institutions and agencies, as well as staff from Region 1 local government units (LGU), attended the event. 

The RSRDH was simultaneously conducted with the ILAARRDEC Bamboo-Seaweeds Farms and Industry Encounters through Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) with the theme “Strengthening the Bamboo and Seaweeds Industries for AmBisyon Natin 2040” at MMSU, Batac City, Ilocos Norte.