Philippine Standard Time

RDA head honcho bats for stronger ties during PCARRD visit

RDA head honcho bats for stronger ties during PCARRD visitThe Council pulled out all stops to host the Administrator of Korea’s Rural Development Authority recently. PCARRD’s directorate headed by Executive Director Dr. Patricio S. Faylon feted Dr. Jae-Soo Kim and several of his staff along with representatives of Korea’s media. This is the first visit of any RDA Administrator to the Council in 15 years of collaboration.

Faylon hailed the RDA’s deep-rooted commitment to R&D in the Philippines and called Kim’s visit “a significant milestone in the partnership between RDA and PCARRD”. Valuing the richness of the partnership, he then envisioned greater partnership on matters of mutual interest.

For his part, Dr. Kim thanked the Council for the sustained partnership that has resulted in 110 collective collaborative projects, as well as the Applied Communications Experts (ACE) and English training programs. He then echoed the sentiments of Dr. Faylon and pushed for “strong cooperation” in more collaborative projects with “consistent support” in the future. After the accomplishments of the RDA-PCARRD partnership were presented, Faylon led a toast for stronger partnership and cooperation.

In another highlight of the visit, the RDA head handed over seeds of RDA’s Japonica rice variety to a delegation from Bohol, led by Engr. Sergio Cuaco, Chief of the Crops Division of the Provincial Agriculturists Office.

The Japonica rice variety developed in Korea was tested in the country to adapt it to the climate, making it the first “tropical Japonica”. The variety was also developed to help alleviate food security in the country and generate high yields for local farmers. The variety has proven to be a boon for farmers in Bohol that a Bohol Japonica Association has been formed to ensure that local producers are able to supply the growing demand for the rice variety in the market.

The first woman Director General of Korea’s National Institute of Crop Science, Dr. Hye-Kyung Chun and RDA Headquarters Administrator, Dr. Kyu-Seong Lee, assisted Dr. Kim in the hand over. On the other hand, Engr. Cuaco was accompanied by Mr. Larry M. Pamugas, Provincial Rice Coordinator of Bohol and Mr. Nador Tadena, President of the Bohol Japonica Rice Growers Association. Incidentally, Mr. Tadena is one of the Magsasaka Siyentista of the province.

Representatives of local and national media outfits were on hand for a short press conference. Questions revolved around the accomplishments of the RDA-PCARRD partnership and its future directions. The history behind the development of the local Japonica variety and the role played by local partners were also played up.

Rounding out the Korean delegation are technical experts Dr. Kyung-Ho Kang, Dr. Hong-Kil Moon, and Dr. Woon-Go Ha,  as well as members of media, Mr. Yeon-Geum Jung and Mr. Joo-Man Kim. Dr. Kang is a rice scientist seconded to the International Rice Research Institute, while Dr. Moon and Dr. Ha are from the RDA International Technical Cooperation Center of which Dr. Moon is the director.

In closing the short program, Dr. Kim once again thanked the Council for hosting his visit and called for a “continuation in the discussion of issues and further development of programs”.