Philippine Standard Time

Region 1 products developed through R&D pitched to potential Ilocos region investors

Seven agriculture products developed through research and development were showcased to eight potential investors from food, agriculture, and machine industries in Ilocos region and Metro Manila in a virtual technology pitch day held recently.

Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU), through its Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) project in cooperation with the provincial government of Ilocos Norte, conducted the activity.

The products or technologies pitched were: biopesticide for tomato, sandcooked peanut, black garlic, ‘kamangeg’ flour, kamangeg cheesecake, pink noodles, and bioethanol distillers.

R&D efforts on biopesticide for tomato and sandcooked peanut were funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), while the rest were funded by MMSU. 

Hon. Matthew Marcos Manotoc, Governor of Ilocos Norte delivered a message of support to the technology transfer efforts and initiatives of the project. DOST-Region 1 Director Armando Q. Ganal; MMSU President Shirley C. Agrupis, and PCAARRD-Technology Transfer and Promotion Division OIC Director Noel A. Catibog, comprised the panel of speakers.

The technology pitch day was conducted after the three-day technology commercialization training, which was participated by researchers and technology transfer officers from MMSU. Dr. Lily Ann Lando served as the mentor and evaluator of the training and pitch day, respectively.

MMSU is one of the 51 agencies with IP-TBM office nationwide, which are being supported by DOST-PCAARRD.  The IP-TBM program aims to establish and/or enhance the technology transfer and commercialization offices of selected agencies, while the IP-TBM offices aim to assist researchers and innovators in filing intellectual property protection (IPR) of their technologies/ innovations and facilitate commercialization of the protected technologies.