Philippine Standard Time

Researchers trained on IP protection

The participants, resources persons and PCAARRD training staff as they pose in front of the PCAARRD lobby during the IP Management Training cum Writeshop on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting conducted on March 20-22, 2013 at PCAARRD.LOS BAÑOS, Laguna ─ PCAARRD conducted an intellectual property (IP) training for 27researchers at its headquarters recently.

Titled “Disclosure and Claim Drafting”, the training aimed to generate IP applications from PCAARRD/DOST-funded researches and to increase the researchers’ appreciation of IP tools and protocols.

The course included lectures, practical exercises, and writeshops on prior art search, invention spotting, technology disclosure, and claim drafting.  The trainees presented their disclosures and claims while the resource persons provided recommendations and insights to improve their write-ups.

The participants included researchers from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 4A, Bureau of Plant Industry-Los Baños National Crop Research and Development Center, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute , Metals Industry Research and Development Center, Industrial  Technology Development Institute, Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)-Albay Research Center, PCA-Davao Research Center, PCA-Zamboanga Research Center, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Mariano Marcos State University, Cavite State University, University of the Philippines Los Baños, and Central Luzon State University. PCAARRD technical staff members also participated in the training.

The trainees as they actively participate in the invention spotting exercise conducted during the IP Training cum Writeshop on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting conducted on March 20-22, 2013 at PCAARRD.Resource persons/facilitators were from PCAARRD, Technology Application and Promotion Institute, National Research Council of the Philippines, and a private patent practitioner, all of whom are members of the Association of PAQE Professionals, Inc., a Securities and Exchange Commission-registered group of certified patent agents.

Since 2007, PCAARRD has conducted eight trainings on intellectual property, benefiting 194 researchers, research managers, and IP personnel nationwide.

The activity paved the way for the filing of IP applications at the IP Philippines, composed of 36 patents, 3 utility models, and 6 trademarks.