Philippine Standard Time

Researchers Trained on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting

Participants and resource persons of the recently concluded Intellectual Property Management Training cum Writeshop on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting held at the Bulwagang Panday Pangkarunungan, PCAARRD Headquarters.LOS BAÑOS, Laguna: A two-day training workshop on Intellectual Property Management cum Writeshop on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting was recently held at PCAARRD.

The training-workshop was organized by the Technology Transfer and Promotion Division of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), a council of the Department of Science and Technology.

Held at the Bulgawang Panday Pangkarunungan, PCAARRD Headquarters, the training workshop capacitated the researchers in disclosing IPs derived from their respective projects, and translated these disclosures into patent applications.

Titled Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting, the training seeks to increase the level of appreciation on the importance of integrating IP management in the Research and Development (R&D) process; develop the skills of researchers in applying the IP management tools in R&D undertaking specifically disclosing intellectual properties derived from their respective projects; and enable researchers to rightfully draft claims ready for patenting.

Five top-caliber experts who are skilled in the field provided perspectives and strategies through prior art search, transforming R&D results into technology disclosure; and invention spotting and drafting specifications. All are certified patent agents and members of the Association of PAQE Professionals, a Securities and Exchange Commission-registered group of certified patent agents.

Participants were immersed on prior art search using draft search tool and all free websites.

The participants included researchers and implementers of new, on-going, and completed PCAARRD and DOST-funded projects from the aquatic sector who have the potential to develop technologies for possible IP protection. They are from BIOTECH-UPLB; Visayas State University; Central Mindanao University; Sultan Kudarat State University; University of Southern Mindanao; Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University; Metals Industry Research and Development Center; Forest Products Research and Development Institute; and the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute.

Since 2007, PCAARRD has already conducted nine trainings on technology disclosure and claim drafting. This initiative has benefited 239 researchers, intellectual property (IP) personnel and research managers nationwide.
This PCAARRD initiative has paved the way for the filing of IP applications for 38 patents, 3 utility models, and six trademarks at the IP Philippines either by mother institutions or through PCAARRD assistance.