Philippine Standard Time

SAGE Learning Center launched

Mr. Andre Leu, Pres. of IFOAM (center) with the counterparts from Korea and Japan.MALVAR, Batangas ─ A 28-bed guesthouse and rotary mobile bio-composter at the Villegas Organic Farm and Hobby Complex in San Pedro 1 in this town was recently launched.

Named as Sustainable Agriculture and Entrepreneurship (SAGE) Learning Center, the facility is a project of several organizations.

Contributing to the establishment of the center were the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), Korean Federation of Sustainable Agriculture Organizations (KFSA), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and local counterparts from the Department of Agriculture (DA), Kasama Ka Organic Koop (KKOK), Malvar local government, One Organic Movement, Farmers’ All Natural and Organic Market, and Villegas Organic and Hobby Farm Complex.

At the inauguration, Andre Leu, IFOAM president, shared their movement’s programs and activities worldwide. 

IFOAM facilitates networking and market development for its 750-member organizations from 116 countries especially in providing market guarantee for integrity of organic claims. Various organic vegetables in the vertical garden at the Villegas Organic and Hobby Farm Complex. Its organic guarantee system (OGS) establishes a common system of standards, verification, and market identity. 

On the other hand, KFSA’s Jo Hyun Sun and its president, Lee Sang Kook, underscored their partnership with KKOK in bringing the eco-village project to its fulfillment. 

Sun also mentioned that KFSA as a national umbrella for the federation of organic groups in South Korea hosts international conferences, workshops, and forums for the development of organic agriculture. 

Local counterparts headed by Department of Agriculture (DA) Assistant Secretary (Asec) Salvador Salacup, KKOK Chair Reynaldo de Sagun, KKOK Managing Director Pablito M. Villegas, and Malvar Mayor Carlito P. Reyes gave inspiring messages.  Asec Salacup represented DA Secretary Proceso J. Alcala in the opening ceremonies.

After the formal program and ceremonial tree planting, a tour to the Villegas Organic and Hobby Farm Complex was conducted for officials and participants. 

Fifty participants from IFOAM, KFSA, Department of Trade and Industry, National Business Corporation, Malvar local government, KKOK, DA, PCAARRD, University of the Philippines Los Baños, and organic farming enthusiasts attended the activity.