Philippine Standard Time

S&T-based coffee production showcased

Technology Field Day. (Clockwise) MS dela Cruz demonstrates some of the S&T interventions applied in his farm; 95 participants gathered at the MS dela Cruz’ farm; and coffee beans at the MS’ farm. (Photo by Diana Rose P. Cabello, S&T Media Service)AMADEO, Cavite ― Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) Teodoro dela Cruz, a cooperator of PCAARRD’s Science and Technology-based Farm (STBF), opened his 2.7-hectare coffee farm in Barangay Minantok East of this town to guests and participants of a recent technology field day (TFD) of the project.

To perk up the adoption of S&T in the farms of other coffee producers in Amadeo, MS dela Cruz shared his experiences in applying the recommended interventions such as judicious multiple stem pruning, combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer application, and the use of solar dryer by lecturing and touring his guests. He also produces vermicast and has improvised a solar dryer made of plastic and patterned after the NESTLE Philippines’ technology.

In terms of profitability, the S&T interventions for two coffee production seasons (2011―2013) incurred an average added cost of P31,663/ha but was able to generate an average yield increment of 132 kerosene/oil cans with a net financial impact of P41,773.

Helping the MS discuss the science behind the interventions applied in his farm to participants composed mostly of farmers and representatives from the different municipalities of Cavite was Technology Service Specialist (TSS) Edith Paglinawan. Another TSS, Elenita S. Mojica, elaborated on the partial budget analysis.

Also gracing the event were Amadeo Mayor Benjarde A. Villanueva, officials from the provincial and municipal government units, and staff members of the Cavite State University (CvSU), Southern Tagalog Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium, Cavite Provincial Agricultural Office Farmers Information and Technology Service (FITS) Center, and PCAARRD.

The TFD was conducted in coordination with the Cavite State University (CvSU) and the Cavite Provincial Agricultural Office FITS Center. Incidentally, these two agencies have been assisting the MS in the implementation of the STBF project.