Philippine Standard Time

Saving Naujan Lake, Mindoro’s Biyang Puti through Aquaculture

White goby, locally termed as ‘biyang puti,’ is abundantly grown in Naujan Lake in Mindoro. However, due to its abundance and popularity as dried fish in the market, the indigenous fish is in danger of being overexploited.

To address this, a project titled, “Conservation and Aquaculture Research and Development Project for Glossogobius giuris (Biyang Puti) in Naujan Lake” was recently approved for implementation. It is funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) and is being implemented by Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology (MinSCAT) under the leadership of Dr. Katherine P. Sanchez-Escalona.

In a recently conducted inception meeting of the project led by Director Eduardo V. Manalili of the Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division (IARRD) of DOST-PCAARRD, the project’s deliverables were determined. The project is expected to provide baseline data for the conservation and management of Naujan Goby population as well as develop the basic protocol for pond culture of the species.

Overall, this project is anticipated to contribute to the biodiversity conservation measures for Naujan Lake National Park with a balanced view of the species’ ecology and its commercial potentials.

The project will run for three years and has a total budget of P10.9 million.

MinSCAT is one of the 11-member agencies of the MIMAROPA Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (MAARRDEC), which aims to address the region’s R&D concerns on marine and freshwater ecosystems.

Dr. Adelaida T. Calpe, Senior Science Research Specialist and Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of IARRD-PCAARRD, presented the DOST guidelines, rules, and regulations in the implementation of GIA-funded projects, and the roles of researchers, implementing agency, collaborating agencies, and PCAARRD in the implementation of the project. A revised proposal to include the revised methodology and workplan will be submitted based on the agreements made during the meeting.