Philippine Standard Time

Science forum highlights LAMP Detection Kit for early mortality syndrome (EMS) of shrimps

A technology, which utilizes loop mediated as a thermal amplification (LAMP), can detect early mortality syndrome in shrimp.

Branded as JAMP Alert, the LAMP Kit is an affordable, easy to use, and reliable kit to detect the early mortality syndrome in shrimp. University of Santo Tomas (UST) Professor Dr. Mary Beth B. Maningas said that they substituted L with J to denote that this is innovated by Juan and developed for Juan. It works under one temperature condition and generates results in only an hour. 


The technology addresses the problems faced by farmers like outsourcing of the diagnostic to accredited agencies; expensive and difficult to use test products; and limited testing centers. 

Dr. Maningas explained the benefits of the technology and demonstrated how it can help the ordinary farmer through a forum titled, “LAMP Kit for Shrimp Early Mortality Syndrome” held at Function Room 2, World Trade Center, Pasay City during the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) on July 19, 2018. The forum was organized by the Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division (IARRD) in cooperation with the Forestry and Environment Research Division (FERD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).

The forum also allowed Dr. Maningas to demonstrate LAMP Kit’s usefulness in the site or farm; its effectiveness in terms of sensitivity and specificity; its price competitiveness compared with those in the market; and its easy to use interface that does not require technically skilled personnel. 

Shrimp is the highest valued aquaculture commodity worldwide. Its value is higher than salmon and tuna. It is a US$40-billion industry and 90% of this value is accounted by the Asian market including the Philippines. However, the industry is plagued by fungal, viral, or bacterial diseases. The Philippines, which was ranked 3rd in shrimp production in the 90s, have fallen to 6th due to several disease outbreaks. 

University of Santo Tomas (UST) Professor Dr. Mary Beth B. Maningas talked about the LAMP Kit, which is an affordable, easy to use, and reliable kit to detect the early mortality syndrome in shrimp. 

The LAMP Kit is branded as JAMP Alert and utilizes the LAMP platform or loop mediated as a thermal amplification. Dr. Maningas said that they substituted L with J to denote that this is innovated by Juan and developed for Juan. It works under one temperature condition and generates results in only an hour. 

The technology addresses the problems faced by farmers like outsourcing of the diagnostic to accredited agencies; expensive and difficult to use test products; and limited testing centers. 

The forum allowed Dr. Maningas to demonstrate how the technology will help the ordinary farmer; its usefulness in the site or farm; its effectiveness in terms of sensitivity and specificity; its price competitiveness compared with those in the market; and its easy to use interface that does not require technically skilled personnel.