Philippine Standard Time

Search for outstanding media practitioners now on



The PCARRD Professional Media Awards (PPMA) is now accepting nominations for outstanding print and broadcast media practitioners who support science and technology (S&T) promotion, commercialization, and adoption. 
Under the print category, awards are given for journalists who published exceptional articles in national, regional, and local dailies; magazines; and professional newsletters. Meanwhile, broadcast awards are given for radio journalists.
Nominations are open for media practitioners who belong to regional consortia member-agencies. Only one nomination per consortium is allowed for each category. 
Nominees for the print category must have published S&T articles in agriculture, forestry, environment, and natural resources within the awarding year.
On the other hand, nominees for the broadcast category must be practicing regional radio broadcasters who have consistently aired S&T topics or have sustained at least a one-year S&T related program during the awarding period.
Winners will be recognized during the PCARRD anniversary celebration on November 2010. Cash awards are P30,000, P20,000, and P10,000 for the first, second and third place, respectively.  All winners will receive a plaque of recognition. 
The deadline for entries is on June 30, 2010. All nominations must be addressed to the Executive Director, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna. For queries, contact the PMMA Secretariat at (049) 536-0014 to 0015, 536-0017 to 20, 536-0024, and 536-5896 to 5898, or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.