Philippine Standard Time
Official banner of the 1st National Soil Health Summit

Soil health summit to highlight importance of soil health in sustainable agriculture

“Is it not about time to let our soil dictate the fertilizer we apply by primarily taking into account our soil’s specific needs?” said Rep. Eddiebong G. Plaza on his privilege speech last May 23, 2023.

According to the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), over and under application of fertilizer could lead to soil acidity and nutrient depletion of farmlands. Hence, initiatives and programs from different national agencies are being implemented but the soil’s status is not always given importance.

To take initial steps to address the issue on soils, DOST-PCAARRD, Bureau of Soils and Water Management of the Department of Agriculture (DA-BSWM), House of Representatives, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and Griffith University will hold the 1st National Soil Health Summit on June 21 and 22, 2023.

Themed “Securing Food and Nutrition through Healthy Soil,” the summit will provide a local and global perspective of the importance of soil health in sustainable agriculture. It also hopes to provide awareness to farmers, stakeholders, academe, LGUs, and policymakers regarding the problems of soils in the Philippines and its effects on the agriculture industry.

The activity also hopes to provide various soil management strategies on improving soil health to boost agricultural productivity and farmers’ income.

DOST-PCAARRD says science, technology, and innovation will be helpful basis in formulating action plans and future policies in the country.

The two-day summit will be held at Diamond Hotel Philippines and will be livestreamed via official Facebook pages of DOST-PCAARRD and DA-BSWM.

Local and international delegates are expected to join the activity.

For more information about the summit, visit the following links:

SMNI Nightline News Live with Cong Eddiebong Plaza (May 31, 2023)

Privilege speech of Rep. Eddiebong G. Plaza (May 23, 2023)

Congressman Adoph Edward “Eddiebong” Plaza visits DOST-PCAARRD (March 23, 2023)

SMNI Nightline News Live with Cong Eddiebong Plaza (September 19, 2022)