Philippine Standard Time

Telecentre-Europe Network Organization manager visits PCARRD

img040109_1.jpgTelecentre-Europe Network Organization Program Manager Laurentiu Bunescu was in PCARRD recently as part of his one-week study visit to the Philippines.

Welcoming Bunescu was PCARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon with Technology Outreach and Promotion Division (TOPD) Director Bessie M. Burgos.

With Bunescu were four officials of the Philippine Community e-Center Network (PhilCeCNet) headed by Maria Teresa M. Camba, director for Field Operation of the National Computer Center.

The meeting started with Burgos introducing PCARRD and its technology promotion banner program, the Techno Gabay. Bunescu then expressed his interest to share knowledge, create partnerships, and expand the Organization’s networks all over the world. He also shared some information on the Telecentre-Europe Network site.   
Faylon sees the visit-cum-meeting as a big opportunity for PCARRD to be part of the PhilCeCNet program and to improve the capacity of Farmers Information and Technology Services (FITS) center in the regions to reach more people in the country through enhanced information communications technology (ICT) services and database delivery system.

Today, 28 European countries are part of the network created to have a stronger voice, increase impact of community-based telecentres in Europe, and provide ICT skills to almost 300 million Europeans. The European organization also aims to add more value to their services, be more effective to their communities, and bridge the digital divide by influencing the European Union’s policies.

After the brief meeting, Bunescu headed to FITS-Lipa City. FITS Lipa City Manager Aida P. Luistro presented the FITS profile (location, focus commodity, regional products, Science and Technology-Based Farm projects, among others) to Bunescu and his entourage. 

Incidentally, FITS –-Lipa City was launched in 1998 through the initiative of Southern Tagalog Integrated Agricultural Resources Research and Development Consortium with the Department of Agriculture-Southern Tagalog Integrated Agricultural Research Center as its host agency.