Philippine Standard Time

The 48th PAEDA Convention en routes to the north

Ilocos Norte is the venue of the forthcoming Philippine Agricultural Economics and Development Association, Inc.’s (PAEDA) 2011 Biennial Convention on October 20-21. Co-hosting the event is the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU).

“PAEDA is bringing the convention nearer to where the real action—the dynamics of agricultural and rural economic transformation—is taking place. Holding the biennial convention in the Ilocos Region is PAEDA's commitment to convey dialogue and policy reforms to various stakeholders of agricultural development,” says Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Jr., PAEDA prexy and associate dean of the College of Economics and Management of the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Now on its 48th biennial convention, PAEDA underscores the importance of enhancing the competitiveness of the agriculture, forestry and natural resources sectors with the theme “The challenges of enhancing the competitiveness of Philippine agriculture”.

The event will feature presentations and panel discussions on the following key areas: 1) climate change, environment, and resource management; 2) S&T based agro-enterprises; 3)agri-food supply chains; 4) food security and rural poverty; 5) public-private sector partnership in agribusiness ventures; 6) rural finance, credit, extension, and other agricultural support services; 7) Philippine agricultural and fisheries sector in regional trade arrangements; 8) strengthening and reshaping institutions; 9) human resource development in the agriculture sector; 10) R&D governance; and 11) technology transfer.

Individuals and institutions may submit their papers on the aforementioned key areas of concerns for presentation in the plenary or breakout sessions. Abstracts and full papers may be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Incidentally, the deadline for the submission of abstracts is on August 15. Notification of acceptance of papers and proposed sessions will be on August 31. The deadline for the submission of full papers, on the other hand, is on September 31.

Papers presented during the convention will be featured in the Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development.