Philippine Standard Time

Training on persuasive communication and presentation held

Twenty-six project implementers joined a three-day training, which taught them the art of effectively selling their project ideas.

Held in Cebu City recently, the training was titled “How to Get Key Decision Makers Say Yes to Your Project Ideas: A Training Course for Project Implementers.”

The training, which was provided for 16 partner institutions of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), was coordinated by PCAARRD’s Institution Development Division (IDD).  


The training aimed to equip the participants with the art and science of selling their project proposals to key decision makers, particularly funding agencies, so that these projects can be approved and benefit the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector.

Dr. Lily Ann D. Lando, former director of DOST-PCAARRD’s Applied Communication Division and currently Interim Director and Research Lead of Worldfish Philippine Country Office, served as the resource speaker.

Dr. Juanito T. Batalon, IDD Director, said that the content of the proposal and the effective delivery of the message, particularly to key decision makers, are equally important, thus the need for the training on the said communication aspect.  

“You probably know that while the project proposal content is very important, effectively delivering the message across the decision makers is key to having your projects approved. Decision makers, just like most of us live very busy lives, and to grab their attention, we need to get our message across with a KISS – keeping it short and succinct,” Batalon said.  

Lando, on the other hand, stressed that effective visuals are just tools; the presenter and the content are still what matter most. Because of this, aside from the visuals, the training also covered understanding the audience, creating “The Pitch”, organizing and closing presentations, and handling questions.

According to Lando, becoming an effective presenter does not happen overnight, it takes a lot of practice, but with the right tool and know-how, it can be achieved.