Philippine Standard Time

Training-workshop equips budding researchers with advanced socioeconomic tools

The Philippine Agricultural Economics and Development Association (PAEDA), in collaboration with PCARRD and the University of the Philippines Los Baños-College of Economics and Management (UPLB-CEM), conducted the “Training-workshop on advanced socioeconomics research methodologies” recently at the CEM Multipurpose Room in UPLB.

A sequel to the basic socioeconomics research methodologies training conducted in 2009, the training focuses on priming budding researchers from PCARRD’s regional research and development consortia. Further, the training-workshop aims to enhance the junior researchers’ proficiency in using quantitative and qualitative data analysis tools and enlighten them with the practical application and implications of applying such tools.

The training-workshop also hopes to be one of the effective solutions to the vacuum of adept researchers that is predicted to happen in the succeeding years.

In his inspirational message, Dr. Ernesto O. Brown, PCARRD Socio-Economics Research Division assistant director, said that it would not be enough to send budding researchers to such trainings. At the end of the training, the participants are expected to further hone their skills and use it to develop and implement good quality researches.

Dr. Flordeliza A. Lantican, UPLB-CEM, welcomed the participants and acknowledged PCARRD for its unwavering support in conducting the training. 

Resource persons were drawn from PAEDA’s pool of experts. Meanwhile, 20 budding researchers from various consortia member agencies participated in the training.

Topics included in the training-workshop were analytical tools in adoption studies, technical efficiency and total factor productivity analysis, market integration and price dynamics, transportation analysis, policy-related studies, and environmental and resource valuation.

Qualitative research methods were also discussed by the resource speakers.