Philippine Standard Time

UPLB and PCAARRD collaborate in developing a strategic plan for DPITC

Key personnel of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) and faculty and staff of the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (CDC-UPLB) collaborated in developing a strategic communication plan for the Council’s DOST-PCAARRD Innovation and Technology Center (DPITC).

The strategic communication plan is expected to guide PCAARRD, especially DPITC, in developing and implementing effective, need-based communication strategies and communication materials.

A total of 32 PCAARRD personnel and five faculty and staff of CDC-UPLB participated in the workshop.

To come up with the draft plan, the workshop walked the participants through the different steps of strategic communication planning. These steps were: (a) situational or problem analysis; (b) strategic design; (c) development of key messages and materials; and (d) implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The workshop sessions combined brief discussions of concepts with group workshops, exercises, and games.

The workshop is part of the one-year project, “Strategic Communication Planning and Development of Communication Support Materials for DPITC,” which is being implemented by CDC-UPLB. It aims to help DPITC staff and other key PCAARRD personnel in developing communication support materials that promote awareness, appreciation, application, and continued policy support for research and development (R&D).

PCAARRD launched the DPITC in 2016 to provide a one-stop hub for technology owners and generators, investors, and other stakeholders to facilitate technology utilization and commercialization.