Philippine Standard Time

USeP inaugurates research lab

A refurbished and enhanced research laboratory now stands at the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) Mabini Unit in Mampising, Compostela Valley. (See related story in From the Regions)

The 107-m2 facility now houses a microscopy room, an isolation room, a preparation room, and a researcher’s room. Although originally intended for use of DOST-PCARRD projects on banana, durian, papaya, and mango, it is currently available for instruction purposes covering other disciplines in agriculture and other allied fields.

The lab was inaugurated on July 2, following its formal turn-over from PCARRD headed by Deputy Executive Director Danilo C. Cardenas to USeP officials led by President Perfecto A. Alibin and Chancellor Ceferino T. Bastian. 

Witnessing the affair were the group of banana researchers and evaluators from the different parts of the country. Guest speakers include PCARRD Crops Research Division (CRD) Director Jocelyn E. Eusebio and Southern Mindanao Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium Director Lourdes C. Generalao.