Philippine Standard Time

Webinar on mangrove crab hatchery and nursery technologies conducted

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), in collaboration with the Integrated Services for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries (ISDA) Inc., conducted a webinar on “Teaching Science-based Technologies for Sustainable Aquaculture: Mangrove crab culture” via Zoom/video conference on December 15, 2020.

Organized by the Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division (IARRD), in coordination with the Institution Development Division (IDD) and Management Information Systems Division (MISD), the activity provided technologies on hatchery and nursery culture of mangrove crab and communicated with the stakeholders regarding their concerns on mangrove crab culture. Moreover, the training facilitators continued to provide relevant and timely information to the said stakeholders even after the webinar.

Dr. Emilia T. Quinitio and Dr. Fe Dolores P. Estepa, both consultants from ISDA, Inc. discussed broodstock management, hatchery, and nursery operations. During the open forum, participants raised questions on the source of quality broodstock, pricing, feeding schemes, handling and transport, and loan facility for the construction of a hatchery, which were properly addressed by the resource speakers.

Participants included 52 technical staff and from 27 government agencies including staff from local government units, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, and Department of Trade and Industry as well as private practitioners and representatives from the private sector.

PCAARRD and ISDA Inc., will conduct a follow-up webinar on grow-out operation by March 2021.