Philippine Standard Time

Results of a recently completed project on “Pilot-testing of ACTICon™ as Biocontrol Agent Against Fusarium Wilt (FocTR4) in Cavendish Banana,” proved the effectiveness of the biocontrol agent in lowering FocTR4 infection, otherwise known as Panama disease.

This was reported by project leader Irene A. Papa during the virtual project terminal review organized by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and


Ten newly approved projects of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) will focus on COVID-19 response as well as deployment and extension.

The projects will be implemented by various State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and institutions in the country including Ifugao State Univerity (IfSU), Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Environmental Research and Development Bureau


Sugarcane farmers can save more with less frequency of fertilizer application and with less amount of fertilizers without compromising yield and other gains.

This is possible with Fertigroe® nanofertilizers developed by the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) researcher-scientists.

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) joined the 3rd Global Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (GAME) Conference on November 18-19, 2021.

With the theme, “Breaking the Mold: Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship in the Face of Disruptive Forces,” the conference aimed to bring together stakeholders from agricultural and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to tackle the


The Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), through its Technology Transfer and Promotion Division (TTPD), participated in the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Workshop on Nurturing Social Enterprise. The activity took place on December 6-8, 2021.

The Automated Furrow Irrigation System or AFIS helps save water and improve sugarcane yield.

This highlights the result of the recently completed project implemented by Central Luzon State University (CLSU). Results were explained by CLSU project leader Dr. Armando N. Espino, Jr. during a webinar on sugarcane production recently organized by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).

Carabao is not only a functional critter in the field but also a valuable source of food such as meat and milk. With the growing demand for locally sourced quality milk and milk products in the country, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) collaborated with the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) in a project that aims to enhance the growth and milk production of dairy buffaloes in Nueva


The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) teamed up with the Philippine Association of Research Managers, Inc. (PHILARM) for the conduct of the 5th International Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Management Congress and 29th National PHILARM Convention on December 9-10, 2021 via Zoom.

Data collection android app, database, and web maps for sugarcane will soon be completed through the project, "Optimization and Pilot Testing of the Mechanization, Resource Mapping, Monitoring, and Data Analysis System (M3DAS) for Mechanization Planning, Implementation and Policy Data Generation for Government Departments and LGUs."

University of the Philippines Los Baños - Center for Agri-Fisheries and Biosystems Mechanization (UPLB-BIOMECH) researchers led by Engr. Alexis C. Del Rosario


How many of us take for granted the food served to us in restaurants or the food we buy from the market? Do we fully know the hard work and effort put into the production of our food and ingredients?

These are the questions that will be addressed by a campaign spearheaded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), a sectoral Council of the Department of Science and technology (DOST). DOST-PCAARRD coordinates, evaluates, and


The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) joined the Asia Rice Foundation (ARF) in holding its Annual Rice Science and Policy Forum 2021 last November 30, 2021 via Zoom.

Themed, “Boosting Rice Yields and Farmers’ Income Through Soil Health Rejuvenation,” the one-day virtual forum gathered ideas and recommendations on how to improve yield and long-term soil fertility capacity for


The use of a zinc solubilizing inoculant in marginal and zinc-deficient conditions has increased the yield of rice by up to 1.5 to 2 tons/ha (t/ha) reaching up to 4.5 t/ha. For corn, use of the inoculant has increased yield by 10%.

Moreover, the zinc solubilizing inoculant can be a viable and cost-efficient alternative to nitrogen and zinc fertilizer since it is only priced 10% of the combined cost of zinc and nitrogen fertilizers.

Inoculants use beneficial microbes to improve plant health.

A project implemented by the Central Mindanao University (CMU) attempted to save the biodiversity at risk at Marilog Forest Reserve, which is identified by the Conservation International as a priority area for biodiversity conservation.

Marilog Forest Reserve is located in the Marilog District, an upland area in Davao City with over 11,102 hectares of forest cover. The continuous development of the area, including logging activities, conversion of the land into agricultural use, and



In line with its Continual Improvement Program, the Policy Coordination and Monitoring Division (PCMD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) spearheaded the conduct of the virtual trainings on Documented Information Control (DIC) and Customer Satisfaction Management (CSM).

The two-part training on DIC held on October 20 and 27, 2021 was participated by 58 PCAARRD staff members


Strategies for maintaining and conserving Barobbob watershed, a vast forested area in Nueva Vizcaya, will soon be realized. This initiative is a collaboration among the University of the Philippines Los Baños -Interdisciplinary Studies Center on Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management (UPLB-ISCINREM), Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU), and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and
