Philippine Standard Time

Clockwise: 1) Group A in a group dynamic exercise, discusses the parts of a tractor and how each one of them will act out each part of the machine; 2) PCARRD Deputy Executive Director Richard M. Juanillo opens the training with encouraging message; 3) Group B actuates the different parts of a sewing machine; 4) Participants of the Value Analysis Engineering training pose for a break."Achieving quality products at lesser cost --- this is the heart of value analysis (VA) engineering. The strategy involves identifying unnecessary costs that do not add value to the end product. One can do this by identifying the functions of a product; establishing the worth of the functions; and developing alternatives to establish needed functions at the lowest overall cost. VA technique is applicable in design engineering, product development, product improvement, services, processes, and systems in an organization. 

L-R: Dr. Rex Victor Cruz – dean, UPLB-CFNR; Dr. Juan Pulhin – associate professor, UPLB-CFNR; Dr. Peter Urich – managing director, SIMCLIMsystems; Commissioner Naderev Saño – Philippine Climate Change Commission; Dr. Danilo Cardenas – deputy executive director for R&D, PCARRD-DOST; Ms. Lourdes Tibig – research fellow/Manila Observatory and Climate Change Consultant/Rice Watch and Action Network; and Dr. Ma. Leonila Bautista – associate scientist, PHIVOLCS-DOST.Two government agencies team up in a bid to come up with measures and appropriate strategies in addressing climate change.

The Climate Change Commission (CCC), in partnership with PCARRD kicked off with the first in a series of consultations for this purpose at the Mabini Social Hall in Malacañang, Manila.

The dragon fruit, locally known in Ilocos as saniata. (Photo by Raymond Carl M. Dela Cruz)It is bulbous, red, and scaly all over. It tastes best when chilled and is a great cure for constipation.

The dragon fruit, also called pitaya or pitahaya, is now becoming one of the major products of the north, specifically the Ilocos Region.

“Syensaya”, the Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc.’s (LBSCFI) celebration of the  National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) will be held on July 28-30.

From left to right: Dr. Danilo C. Cardenas, PCARRD deputy executive director for R&D hands the cheque to CLSU Pres. Ruben C. Sevilleja during the inception meeting  of the Integrated R&D Program on Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Selected Forest Ecosystems in Central Luzon. Looking on are CLSU’s Dr. Annie Melinda Paz-Alberto and Dr. Teotimo M. Aganon.PCARRD approved the P15 million funds for the four-year implementation of the Integrated R&D Program on Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Selected Forest Ecosystems in Central Luzon. The formal granting of the fund took place recently at the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.

Ilocos Norte is the venue of the forthcoming Philippine Agricultural Economics and Development Association, Inc.’s (PAEDA) 2011 Biennial Convention on October 20-21. Co-hosting the event is the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU).

Following a series of stakeholders’ consultations nationwide, the country’s first guidelines on intellectual property (IP) valuation, commercialization, and information sharing will soon be released.

Makati City – The recently concluded Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Regional Seminar and Workshop on Intellectual Property Management and Technology Commercialization underscored the newly enacted Philippine technology transfer law.

The education and science and technology sectors, regarded as two potent forces of development, have teamed up towards a common concern — the need to ensure adequate food supply through better agricultural technologies.

ACIAR CEO Nick Austin and PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio Faylon beam as the two leaders discuss the partnership between their respective agencies.The Australian Minister of Trade has reappointed Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon as a member of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research’s (ACIAR) Policy Advisory Council (PAC) on August 22.

Saka Iskwela at MSU participants.General Santos City ─ Fifty-four students from different colleges of the Mindanao State University (MSU) and some of its faculty members expressed their firm support towards achieving agricultural productivity through responsible campus journalism following a three-day training on news and feature writing, broadcasting, and desktop publishing. 

Edita Dacuycuy: Dragon fruit ladyIlocos Norte – Edita Dacuycuy only wants the best for her daughter Kate who is afflicted with cerebral palsy. In her quest to solve her daughter’s perennial constipation, she discovered a solution that brought her light and wealth --- the red and scaly dragon cactus plant more commonly called dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus).

MS Nemencio Concepcion shows the comparison in rice tillers between the STBF and MS farm.Aerobic rice technology (ART) improves the quantity and quality of rice harvest even in drought-stricken areas. Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) Nemencio Concepcion affirmed this during the 2nd Technology Field Day of the Science and Technology-based Farm Project (STBF) on aerobic rice production held recently in San Idelfonso, Bulacan.

Green berries of arabica coffee.Preparations are underway for the implementation of two Science and Technology-based Farm (STBF) projects on arabica coffee in the Mountain Province.

AGHAM Rep. Angelo B. Palmones at the closing ceremonies of the Saka Iskwela (left photo); participants listening to the congressman (right photo)“You have got to have the passion for S&T (science and technology) advocacy”, Alyansa ng mga Grupong Haligi ng Agham at Teknolohiya para sa Mamayan (AGHAM) Party List Representative Angelo B. Palmones said in his inspirational message to the 30 student-participants of the Saka Iskwela Training Program held recently at the University of Southern Mindanao (USM) in Kabacan, Cotabato.