Philippine Standard Time

In one of the project’s activities. (Inset) Farmers carry their abaca fibers.Huge volumes of classified and graded abaca fibers provide farmer-cooperators in Bato and San Andres, Catanduanes greater profits.

Assessing coastal areas’ vulnerability to the impacts of climate change is made easy with a tool developed by a group of marine researchers.     
The tool, known as the Integrated Coastal Sensitivity, Exposure, and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change (ICSEA Change), will help local communities in the coastal areas determine whether they are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on the basis of impending threats.

DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo flew to Davao City to assure stakeholders of the banana industry of the science department’s support in addressing the Panama disease. (File photo courtesy of the Science and Technology Information Institute.)DAVAO CITY – Department of Science and Technology (DOST) officials, led by Secretary Mario G. Montejo, recently met with banana growers and exporters, researchers, and heads of local line agencies to discuss the next steps in the ongoing united response against the Panama disease or Fusarium wilt (FW) of banana.

Sweet prospects for sugarcane from PCAARRD. (Photo source: |Date= |Author=[ Rufino Uribe] |Permission=Free content lic)The Council has allotted P2.89 million to study and develop Western Visayas’ muscovado industry through the program “Science and technology (S&T) development of the organic muscovado industry in Western Visayas”.

Officials of agencies involved in the conduct of the STBF community-based lakatan banana production project in Cavite.The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resourcers Research and Development (PCAARRD), Southern Tagalog Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (STARRDEC), Office of the Provincial Governor of Cavite, and Cavite Modern Growers Incorporated (CMGI) are teaming up to implement a community-based Science and Technology-based Farm Project (STBF) on lakatan banana production.

“Contour farming and planting of hedgerows does farming wonders,” thus affirmed Magsasaka Siyentista Divina Padencio after having seen how the practice made possible the successful planting of fruit trees and vegetables in a sloping area in a Manobo community in Tacloban City. 

Technology field day. Farmers and staff members of HARRDEC and PCAARRD participate in the field day held at Lamaton’s farm.Heirloom rice usually commands a higher price than the ordinary rice. It is prized for its exceptional cooking quality, taste, texture, color, and most importantly, nutritional value.

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD)- Applied Communication Division Director Lily Ann D. Lando joins the roster of Civil Executive Service (CES) eligibles of 2012.

“Sips and bites” will be at the 11th Philippine Food Expo at The World Trade Center in Pasay City on February 23─26.


Clockwise: (1) Mr. Ashley Lamaton talks about organic rice production; (2) Mr. Onofre Balantac discusses with a co-farmer his organic garlic production practices ; and 3) Mr. Jaime Navarro presents the results of his project on organic tomato production. Unlike the usual farmers’ practice in rice production, Ashley Lamaton spreads shredded leafy materials (sunflower or any leguminous plants) on the field and allows them to decompose for 60 days. He also uses shredded compost materials.


The field day in Vintar. Inset: Agbayani’s onions.Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) Danilo Agbayani of Salsalamagui, Vintar, Ilocos Norte relies on science and technology (S&T) in his onion production.

PCAARRD co-sponsors the biggest event on goats in the country.

Goat and sheep breeders, producers, entrepreneurs, experts, and enthusiast from all over the country are expected to gather at the Hotel Stotsenberg, Clark Air Base, Angeles City, Pampanga for the 5th National Goat and Sheep Congress on March 22–24.

At the expo. (Clockwise) Ms. Minda Yee (left) of Leslie's Pili oil talks with prospective buyers; the announcement; free product samples and coffee were served to booth visitors.

Flavors of Science, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development’s (PCAARRD) brand of its TechnoMart-supported products, was once again sampled by the public at the 11th Philippine Food Expo on February 23─26 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City. 

Ribbon-cutting ceremony. (L-R) Dr. Pedrita Medrano, TTPD Director Dr. Melvin Carlos, AGHAM Rep. Palmones, Echague Mayor Melinda Kiat, ISU President Dr. Romeo Quilang, and CVARRD Consortium Director Dr. Gumpal (at the back).

ECHAGUE, Isabela ─ Banana, goat and peanut-based enterprises promise a better life for the farmers of the Cagayan Valley. To promote these enterprises and  technologies on the three commodities, the Cagayan Valley Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CVARRD) hosted “Rambakan sa lambak: Celebrating the bounties of Region II” on February 23─24 at the Isabela State University.

Melody Calisay (left), Head of East West Marketing and member of FCCH and Olivia Emata (right) discuss TechnoMart products which can be exported to Hawaii with Lily Ann D. Lando (middle), Director of Applied Communication Division, PCAARRD.

Merchants of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii (FCCH) may soon be importing TechnoMart products.