Philippine Standard Time

Almost half of the pre-weaner pigs suddenly excrete yellowish watery diarrhea. The same alarming picture can be seen in neighboring pens, wherein almost seven out of 10 piglets in a litter die. “What infection has caused this unsightly scene to my farm?” a farmer thought while recalling the events that transpired during the recent days before the disease struck his farm. Though keeping himself unruffled, the ghastly disease progression displayed in front of him may just send him off the roof.


Bending towards farmers' success. The Philippines is fortunate to have bamboo growing abundantly almost everywhere. While this plant is available outright in every community, science and technology can further enhance the growth performance and ensure the sustainability of supply of this material, which is aptly considered as timber alternative. 

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), through its Forestry and Environment


Bending towards farmers success. Other than being a grass, there are other unknown facts about bamboo. For example, not many have heard of its use as embellishments in landscaping. Using bamboo as an ornamental plant is only a secondary consideration among Filipino bamboo farmers unlike in Japan, China, and other Asian countries, until recently when enterprise owners noticed the beauty of the humble plant. 

The Philippines has yet to establish large-scale tree plantations with high wood productivity and high quality. In 2013, local log production was only pegged at 1.2 million cubic meters, a significantly lower figure compared in the 70s, when log production sourced from natural forests exceeded 10 million cubic meters annually. 

The forest ecosystem is naturally high in biodiversity. However, when locals clear forests to build homes and convert them to agricultural land for high-value crops, many life forms are lost forever while others become endangered. Unlike animals, plants are basically defenseless when people begin stripping the natural plant cover and transform them into farms. The same fate happens to ferns or pteridophytes.

A promising technology in coconut mass propagation is currently being tested and evaluated in the country by a group of researchers from the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), University of the Philippines (UP), Bicol University (BU), and Visayas State University (VSU).

The type of ricemill being used in the countryside is vital towards achieving and sustaining the government’s food self-sufficiency program, a study shows. In more specific terms, the study also shows the relevance of the type of huller used by the ricemill on particular grains.

Majority of rice varieties produced in the country are “Indica” or long grains. The physical characteristics of long grain are appropriate for impeller type of ricemill. Unlike the rubber roll machine whose husked


The new Fusarium wilt-resistant Cavendish variants developed by the Taiwan Banana Research Institute and locally tested for adaptability under severely Foc infested farms in Davao Region recently passed the export market standards of China and Middle East.

The new Fusarium wilt-resistant Cavendish variants developed by the Taiwan Banana Research Institute and locally tested for adaptability under severely Foc infested farms in Davao Region recently passed the export market standards of China


Who doesn’t want a cup of coffee?

Coffee is a regular drink that is synonymous to being hospitable of Filipinos. We offer our guests a cup of coffee, be it brewed or the instant 3-in-1 kind. On the average, regular coffee drinkers consume three to five cups of coffee a day. 

In earlier days, the Provinces of Cavite and Batangas used to be known for growing coffee. But in recent years, the production of coffee shifted to Benguet and other parts of Mindanao.  Gone are the days when the Philippines


The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PNRI) has developed a plant growth promoter (PGP) from radiation-modified natural polymers such as seaweed (carrageenan) and chitosan (shells of shrimps). The effects of these PGPs are tested on rice, mungbean, and peanut.

PNRI’s studies proved that PGPs are beneficial when applied to rice, mungbean, and peanut. Its advantages include: its environment-friendliness as it is a natural product; ability to


Yellow corn plays a vital role in animal nutrition.  It is one of the most important feed grains in feed milling and accounts for 50-60% of the total mixed feed ration. About 90 percent of yellow corn produced is used as feed for swine and poultry. It is a primary source of energy supplement and can contribute up to 30% protein, 60% energy and 90% starch in an animal’s diet (Dado, 1999).  However, it is deficient in two essential amino acids: lysine and tryptophan, which are the limiting amino


The traditional method of growing green mussels in the Philippines is called the “stake” method wherein the mussel “spats” or young mussels freely attach to bamboo poles placed in the coastal areas. There is little management done and the number of mussel spats growing in the bamboo poles is not controlled resulting to poor quality mussels, which are typically small in size and contains low meat content. The “stake” method is not also sustainable because it increases sedimentation in the


The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) once more made publicly known the fruits of its research and development activities as it joined the National Science and Technology Week through exhibits and fora recently.      

Presented in meticulously designed centerpiece and four elaborately conceptualized pavilions, (crops, livestock, aquatic, and forestry and environment) the PCAARRD


The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), through its Inland Aquatic Resources Division, conducted a training course titled Feeds, Feeding, and Health Management for Aquaculture Species.

Held recently at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center–Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD), Tigbauan, Iloilo, the training aimed to improve the researchers’ knowledge and skills on feed


BACOOR CITY, CAVITE - The city’s mussel farmers and fisherfolk recently attended a seminar-workshop on the advancement of mussel culture. 

Held at Bantay Dagat Headquarters, Brgy. Sineguelasan, the seminar workshop was coordinated by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) through the Council’s Inland Aquatic Resources Division (IARD).

The Cavite State University (CvSU) and the
